Complete Story


DBX Board Has Get Acquainted Session With State Representative Phil Plummer – 39th District State Representative Tom Young – 37th District  

DBX Board Has Get Acquainted Session With

State Representative Phil Plummer – 39th District

State Representative Tom Young – 37th District



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Left to Right:  State Representative Young, State Representative Plummer,

DBX Legislative Chairman Howard Krisher


Prior to the June 29th DBX Board of Directors Meeting, a “Get Acquainted” reception was held at the Engineers Club of Dayton with State Representatives Phil Plummer and Tom Young.


Representatives Plummer and Young discussed many issues with Board Members, with a main focus on economic development in the Miami Valley, and the importance of a coordinated effort between local area governments in order to be competitive with other cities in the State and Country.


There was a lot of discussion about ways to make the Dayton International Airport an even bigger economic development tool for the area, in an effort to attract industries with good jobs, to locate here.


DBX Legislative Committee Chairman reported to the DBX Board, at their meeting that followed the reception, that the DBX Legislative Committee is planning to hold these “Get Acquainted” sessions prior to each of the future Board Meetings.  This being one part of the Association’s Strategic Plan to make the DBX the voice of the area construction industry.

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